Foto documentation, Courtesy of Galeria Enrique Guerrero and Paulina Campos.
Galeria Enrique Guerrero, Mexico City
The mystery of number 3
Solo Show
27 Jun – 03 Aug 2019
The Mystery of Number 3. Introspection as an aesthetic journey. Sofia Cruz Rocha carries out one of the few current artistic practices in Mexico that have linked spirituality and the great global expansion of art resources since the second half of the twentieth century, baggage from which Sofia uses in this exhibition tools of contemporary art such as sculptures, objects, traditional paintings as well as digital, environmental installations, 3D prints, and wall interventions, elements that configured as a non-linear narrative investigates the secret that hides Aleph, Mem and Shin, mother letters of the Kabalah that represent the origin of the universe, trilogy with which to reach the illumination of consciousness, the conceptual axis of this exhibition and consequence of the artist's interest in Hermetic Philosophy. As she has achieved with previous works such as Afecciones, 2014 or Este es el Jardín del Edén, 2016, Sofia transmutes the pieces of this exhibition into art just at the moment of her interaction with the spectator. Without the pretension of indoctrination, when going through the exhibition the visitor faces in a simple and intuitive way and from his own cultural model the exhibited pieces, and that as a whole creates a total work of art, where in the words of the artist herself "...beyond the flesh of the body, the emotions of the heart or the thoughts of the mind, the introspection into the interior of oneself leads to the encounter with our spirit". Art such as Sofia Cruz Rocha demonstrates the current transition where the legacy of 20th-century contemporary art has passed from formalist experimentation to its full cultural application in the 21st century. (Original text in Spanish, by Eduardo Egea).